Category Archives: Pandemonium Fiction

The Lowest Heaven launch

The Lowest Heaven anthology was released on 13 June and I was thrilled to be part of the launch at the National Maritime Museum. I’ve walked around the University of Greenwich campus before but had never seen the museum, and we couldn’t have had a lovelier setting (despite the slightly alarming figureheads…)

Jared Shurin introduced the anthology and I was one of the three authors reading. First up was SF maestro Alastair Reynolds reading from A Map of Mercury (no pressure, of course, none at all). I read the opening of Saga’s Children, and Matt Jones concluded with a deliciously dark and amusing extract from The Comet’s Tale.

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Alastair Reynolds, myself and Matt Jones reading (photos by Veronica Swift)

The readings were followed by the mass signing, and general excitement as we got to see the beautiful hardback edition for the first time. Our editors Jared and Anne had been particularly sneaky and not only had none of the authors seen anyone else’s contributions, we hadn’t seen the photographs chosen to illustrate our stories either. So this was a lovely moment. (It must also be admitted that there may have been an element of authorial competitiveness in who could adorn their signature with the best spaceship/comet/random star formation. I was not winning this award.) I also seized the opportunity to ask Alastair Reynolds to sign my copy of House of Suns, a book I adore.

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Reading, group photo, the book itself looking gorgeous, and the epic table of signing (photos by James Matthews-Paul)

Thank you to everyone who came along and bought a book and said lovely things; I hope you enjoy the anthology – I know I’m looking forward to reading the rest of it!

And as if one launch wasn’t enough, there will be a *second* launch for the paperback and e-book at Forbidden Planet on Wednesday 3 July. I’ll be there with David Bryher, Lavie Tidhar, Esther Saxey, and of course les éditeurs merveilleux Jared Shurin and Anne C Perry. Facebook for the event is here. Do come!

Pre-order The Lowest Heaven

This week Pandemonium Fiction revealed the stunning artwork for The Lowest Heaven anthology. It looks absolutely gorgeous and I’m thrilled to have a story in the collection. Here’s the cover (copyright Joey Hi-Fi):


You can read an interview with artist Joey Hi-Fi over on the Royal Observatory’s website and a limited edition hardback featuring photography from the Observatory’s archive is now available to pre-order exclusively from the Observatory shop (don’t go to Amazon). Paperback and e-book editions will be released June 2013.

The full table of contents can be found on the Pandemonium Fiction website. My story is titled SAGA’S CHILDREN and is inspired by Ceres.