Category Archives: Night Bazaar

Chicago in pictures

My trip to Chicago was rounded off with, somewhat inconveniently, moving house. After a beautiful ten days in 27 degree clear skies, I returned home, packed, moved, cleaned, and cleaned some more. I’ve finally got round to digging out my photos and it appears I mostly took pictures of skyscrapers, plants, and the zoo.

This was my first trip to the States and Chicago was a fantastic city to begin with. I stayed with two artist friends, Chris Kemp and Dominique Larson, and had a few days on either side of WorldCon to hang out with them and explore the city. I had previously only seen photos of Chris’s work and finally I got to see it in person. He works on huge MDF Board canvasses, and the paintings have a strong architectural influence (check out his website here, they really are amazing). Wandering around downtown Chicago I could see why. It was quite a surreal experience to be in a city full of skyscrapers for the first time, having written a novel set in a city entirely made of skyscrapers.

I had a similar experience when I went with Mini to her old studio to collect some work, and saw this unfinished painting hanging on the wall:

Dominique painting

Work in progress by Dominique Larson

Quite apart from this being a beautiful painting, there’s something eerily Osiris-y about it that grabbed me straight away. Dominique kindly let me post a photo here although the painting is unfinished as yet (I will be posting the final version if she lets me!). It’s the first in a triptych of work which I can’t wait to see.

Night Bazaar party

Left to right: authors Katy Stauber, Bradley Beaulieu, Teresa Frohock, Stina Leicht, Doug Hulick (back row) and Anne Lyle, Martha Wells, Courtney Schafer, and me at the Night Bazaar party

I’d been nervous about attending WorldCon before the trip, but I ended up having a great time. I did my first panel on Self-Editing Your Fiction and did a reading from OSIRIS. In particular, after several months of planning the Night Bazaar party by email, it was wonderful to finally meet the Night Shade crew: Bradley Beaulieu, Betsy Dornbusch, Teresa Frohock, Kameron Hurley, Stina Leicht, Courtney Schafer, Katy Stauber, Martha Wells and the mysterious Mazarkis Williams. Courtney had organized everything brilliantly, Katy had brought bugs, and I was amazed that people were prepared to actually eat them in order to get a book. All of the free books we brought had gone by the end of the night. Sadly I don’t think anyone managed to get a picture of them in all their glory, but Courtney has a few more pics of everyone on her blog, here. I’m not sure I’ll be able to make San Antonio next year, but now that WorldCon is coming to London in 2014, I’m hoping some of the Night Bazaar crew will make it over to our side of the pond…

I spent my last few days wandering about the beach, visiting Navy Pier, the zoo and the conservatory, raiding the vintage shops (they were good) and Chris and Mini took me to the Green Mill jazz club, where Al Capone used to hang out, which felt like a proper Chicago experience. Given the chance, I would definitely go back… So a massive thank you once again to everyone who helped get me over there – you guys rock.

Postcards from Chicago

WorldCon schedule

Chicago is only two weeks away – this will be my first trip to the States and it’s starting to feel very exciting! Not only will I be going to my first ever WorldCon but I get to catch up with two super talented artist friends I haven’t seen in years. I can’t wait for them to show me their city.

I’ll be at ChiCon for the full weekend, but you can find me here:

Friday 31 August, 10.30am (Crystal A)
Self-Editing Your Fiction
Many authors love to write the first draft, but hate to revise. Others have nothing against revising, but don’t really know what to change or how to change it. How can fiction writers gain distance from their own work, discover what needs to be changed, how to change it, and not lose interest while changing it?
Carrie Vaughn / Don Mead / E J Swift / Jeanne Cavelos (mod) / Rick Wilber

Friday 31 August, 7.00pm (Party suite 2576)
Night Bazaar party
Come, crush a cup of… well a bug, probably. Come say hello any time from 7pm, I’ll be with these fantastic Night Shade authors: Bradley Beaulieu, Betsy Dornbusch, Teresa Frohock, Kameron Hurley, Stina Leicht, Jeff Salyards, Courtney Schafer, Katy Stauber and Martha Wells. Judging by the planning correspondence, rum and bugs are set to feature heavily, and of course there’ll be loads of books to giveaway.

Saturday 1 September, 6.00pm (Addams room)
What it says. From my debut novel OSIRIS (here’s a link to a few reviews)

A huge (but surely not the last) thank you to all the wonderful people who supported me to raise funds for the trip – I wouldn’t have been able to go without your help. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes!

OSIRIS on Audible and other things

Some good news this week and a few links – firstly, I’m very happy to announce that Audible have bought the rights to publish OSIRIS in audible format (US). Details of publication dates and further information to follow when available.

The Qwillery very kindly had me over for an interview posted on 9 June 2012, which you can read here:

Also at The Qwillery, you can vote for the OSIRIS cover with its gorgeous artwork by Sparth, in the 2012 Debut Author Cover Wars Challenge for June. 4 days left to vote!

Finally, I’ve missed posting a few Night Bazaar posts over the last couple of weeks, so a few back links:

Week 10’s discussion topic was “Anti-hero doesn’t mean bad guy!”:

Week 11’s discussion topic was “Writing on cultures that are not your own”:

And this week’s discussion topic is “Comics: tights vs existential angst”. I know very little about comics, but happily I remembered Michael Chabon’s wonderful The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Klay which provided some much needed inspiration for this post:

And as usual, there are lots of great posts from the other Night Bazaar writers on the same topics. Only one week left for me at the Night Bazaar – next week we’ll be discussing “Managing promotion vs writing vs your personal life” – on which I’m sure there will be plenty to discuss…

This week’s Night Bazaar and other things

This week at the Night Bazaar we’re talking about the influence of children’s fantasy on adult fantasy. Monday’s post from Paul Tobin made a lot of really good points, but here is my slightly rambling contribution to this week’s theme:

It’s okay for kids’ books to be fantasy – why not adults?

Interzone 238 cover

IZ238 cover, art by Ben Baldwin

The Jan/Feb edition of Interzone magazine (issue 238), which featured my short story THE COMPLEX is now available over on Amazon along with lots of other back issues.

With less than a week to go until the official release date for OSIRIS, you can grab the ebook early over at Baen Ebooks along with other June releases from Night Shade Books.

And today Kirkus Reviews included OSIRIS in its list of science fiction and fantasy books for June. All very exciting!

What if all the male characters posed like the female one?

The theme for this week’s Night Bazaar is “Dolls or Action figures? Gender roles in popular culture”. It’s another week where I wish I had a bit more time to write (or alternatively, just wrote quicker. Respect to all the bloggers who post every day – I don’t know how you do it!) because it’s a topic I feel very strongly about. However, I’ve posted a few links to people who talk about gender roles far more eloquently than I can.

Here’s the link to the post:

What if all the male characters posed like the female one?

If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need

This week at the Night Bazaar we’re discussing The Politics of Science Fiction: Eco-tastrophy. The title to my post was inspired by this lovely gem tweeted by the brilliant @brainpicker earlier today:

Here’s the link to the blog:

If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need